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Alessandro Bonatti

MIT Sloan School of Management

Alessandro Bonatti is the John Norris Maguire (1960) Professor of Applied Economics at the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Professor Bonatti is an applied microeconomic theorist working at the intersection of game theory and industrial organization. His research studies the dynamics of incentives in organizations, non-linear and dynamic pricing strategies, and the economics of digital markets. His most recent work focuses on markets for data, and on the optimal use of data for pricing and personalized advertising by platforms and firms. He also researches the effects of data on user privacy, examining the trade-offs between privacy concerns and the benefits associated with firms having a more precise understanding of consumer preferences.

Professor Bonatti currently serves as an Editor for the RAND Journal of Economics, and as an Associate Editor for the Quarterly Journal of Economics and the American Economic Journal: Microeconomics.

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