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Antonio Davila

HEC, University of Lausanne and IESE Business School

Antonio Davila is professor of Accounting and Control at HEC, University of Lausanne, and professor of Accounting and professor of entrepreneurship at IESE Business School.

He holds a doctorate from the Harvard Business School, where he was visiting professor four times. He was a faculty member at the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University and has also been visiting professor at Oxford University and CEIBS.

His research focuses on the role of management accounting and management control systems for performance measurement, strategy implementation, innovation, and entrepreneurship. His research on the role of performance measurement and management control systems in product development and entrepreneurial firms was seminal to the development of these fields. He has also done research on compensation systems, sustainability accounting, entrepreneurship, innovation, and organizational learning as well as emerging fields such as search funds and sports management. This research has been adapted to practitioners through books such as Making Innovation Work and The Innovation Paradox which are highly cited in the field of innovation as well as articles. He has written textbooks for managerial accounting and sports management.

His academic research has been published in top journals in management and accounting including Academy of Management Journal, Accounting Review, Journal of Business Venturing, Research Policy, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Review of Accounting Studies, European Accounting Review, and Accounting, Organizations, and Society.

He is engaged with companies from startups to large multinationals as an adviser, board member, and consultant. As a result of these collaborations, he has published many teaching cases.

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