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Keystone Recognized in "5 Consulting Firms With a Partner Track & Professional Development Opportunities"

Originally published in in 2019. Below is an excerpt from the article:  Do you lack opportunities to learn and develop your skills at work? You're not alone.  A long-term research project by Middlesex University found that 74% of surveyed employees felt they didn't achieve their full potential at work because they weren't offered career development opportunities. Few companies prioritize their team's professional growth—and that presents problems for employees and stakeholders.  Not only is on-the-job training valuable for workers, but it's also crucial for business success. According to the Association for Talent Development (ATD), companies that offer comprehensive training earn a 24% higher profit margin than companies without formalized training. Professional development is also key to improving business functionality—it can streamline operational processes, refine revenue streams, improve the customer experience, and spur innovation.  When it comes to professional development, everyone stands to benefit from more on-the-job training, from employees to business owners and consumers. Some organizations are leading the pack when it comes to embracing those initiatives.  Read the entire article here.