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Patrick Holder


Patrick Holder is a competition and technology economist who specializes in the digital economy, multisided markets, and the telecommunications industry. He is a partner in Keystone’s Economics group. In this role, he both testifies as an expert witness and manages teams of economists supporting top academic expert witnesses.

Patrick is an active researcher and conference presenter. His research has appeared in top peer-reviewed economics and competition journals such as Antitrust, Management Science, and the Journal of Health Economics, and his work has been covered by major media outlets including The New York Times, The Financial Times, and Fox News Business.

Patrick has presented his research at conferences hosted by the National Association of Business Economists and the North American Economic Sciences Association. He has worked on multiple matters that were honored as Litigation Matter of the Year by Global Competition Review, and his academic writing was awarded Best General Economics Article by the Antitrust Writing Awards.  

In his free time, Patrick enjoys playing trombone, running, and traveling.


  • PhD in Economics from UC Santa Barbara
  • B.A. in Economics from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo